Field Trips & Tours
Check Back for 2025 Dates!
Weekday Tours
Times Available: Wednesday – Friday mornings
Fall Field Trips & Private Group Tours
Short educational session/Q&A at your sign up, then depending on your needs, either free play or private tour until your group decides to leave! We will be open to the public at the same time.
Fall Field Trip Reservation
Field trips will start at your reserved time with a short story time, then your group is free to enjoy the farm on your own! You can enjoy our New ‘Spookley’ story walk, many photo ops, a hayrack ride (if available), farm yard activities, and snack time!
- This is a reservation. Choose 1 per total group.
- Minimum of 10 people to a group, No Maximum
- Cost is $10+tax/child, sibling, parent, chaperone. Educators are free with ID. A small gourd is included in the price.
- School group is to be paid as 1 transaction, but siblings, parents, & chaperones may pay separate.
Fall Private Group Tour Reservation
Do you have a group from a retirement community, special needs school, private club, or similar and are looking for a fun fall day at the farm? You have 2 choices:
- come during our regular open hours W-F & enjoy fresh air, food & our new retail area for free
- for a more personalized experience including hayrack ride, maze &/or activities, reserve a Private Group Tour!
- This is a reservation. Choose 1 per total group.
- Cost is $10+tax/person and can be paid upon arrival. A small gourd is included in the price.
- Minimum of 10 people to a group, No Maximum
Please make reservations online when current dates are available. Payment is to be paid as one transaction, and due upon arrival at the farm.